Why Florida Democrats will not vote in Presidential Preference Primary

The Presidential Preference Primary (PPP) plays a crucial role in the selection process of presidential candidates within Florida's major political parties. However, if you are registered with the Democratic Party, you will not receive a ballot in this PPP.

Florida legislation would allow Satanists to volunteer in schools

A pair of bills in the Florida State Legislature could allow Satanic priests to volunteer in Florida schools. Senate Bill 1044, and companion House Bill 931, let public schools allow volunteer chaplains to provide student counseling services.

'Unborn Child' bill advances in Florida House

A House committee on Wednesday approved a controversial measure that would allow parents to file civil lawsuits seeking damages for the wrongful death of an “unborn child," with critics of the bill saying it is too broad and could shrink the number of doctors who deliver babies in Florida.

Florida Form 6 facing lawsuit

A lawsuit has now been filed against Form 6 - the law forcing Florida officials to disclose their financial information