This Florida county is banning adults without kids from playgrounds

Stock image of playground, students, kids, school by Stephen via Flickr

Adults who aren't accompanied by children at playgrounds in one Florida county will reportedly be prohibited from being in the play area, according to a new ordinance.

WPTV reports that Palm Beach County Mayor Robert Weinroth announced that the new regulation will ban adults 18 and older from entering or staying in a designated kid's play area at the county's parks unless they are supervising and/or accompanying kids 12 or younger.

While the public is still welcome to attend county parks, adults without a child with them will be prohibited from hanging out at the playgrounds.  

"Public safety is always a priority, especially when it comes to our children, so I am pleased with this added layer of safety at county playgrounds," Weinroth said according to WPTV.


 The new rule is set to go into effect in a few weeks.