Suspect arrested for traveling for and soliciting parent for sex with a minor

On Tuesday, Seminole County Sheriff investigators reported arresting Joel Eddy of Volusia County for traveling to meet a minor for sex and soliciting a parent to have sex with a minor.

This investigation began on May 26th, says the police, after Eddy communicated online with an undercover investigator portraying himself as the father of a 12-year-old female. Over the course of four weeks, Eddy sated multiple times that he wanted to meet to have sex with the minor.

On Tuesday, investigators say that Eddy communicated with the undercover investigator again and arranged to travel to a predetermined location within Seminole County to have sexual activity with the minor. 

Upon arrival, Eddy was instead met with investigators and placed under arrest. Eddy has been booked into John E. Polk Correctional Facility on $80,000 bond.

Law enforcement officials recommend the following safety tips for parents:

  • Communicate with your child.  Talk with them about the potential dangers online and the reasons why they should be careful.
  • Spend time with your child online and learn their favorite online destinations.
  • Keep the computer in an area of the house where online activity can be monitored, not in your child’s bedroom.
  • Use parental controls and/or blocking software.
  • Instruct children not to give out personal information such as their home address, school name or telephone number, and never to arrange a meeting with someone they met online without your permission.