Orange County works to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries after vote

On the heels of Florida voters overwhelmingly approving a medical marijuana amendment, local cities and counties are now working to put in place provisions and recommendations for the law.

“Where these dispensaries or any medical cannabis activity, whether that's growing or processing, where would that be located in the county,” said Carol Burkett, Director of the Orange County Drug Free Coalition.

In August, Orange County commissioners passed a moratorium on medical marijuana the lasts until May of 2017 -- that means the county won't issue development permits for growing or dispensing medical pot until regulations are drafted.

“This was something they asked us to study and review during the moratorium period, so we will look at separation distances how far maybe a dispensary is from a church a school, residential area, or even from another medical dispensary," Burkett said.

Burkett says the timetable for when the recommendations will be drafted will also depend on the state department of health, which is the regulatory authority for medical pot, she says the public will also weigh in on the regulations.

“Everyone will have an opportunity to speak, to weigh in, to give their recommendations and there will be two public hearings so those are things where the board can direct staff to look at further,"  Burkett said.

Orlando and Winter Garden also have medical marijuana moratoriums in place.