Mobile pharmacy filling prescriptions for evacuees living in Houston shelter

Pharmacist Jeff Fabiano fills a prescription at a mobile pharmacy outside an evacuee shelter in Houston (photo provided by Kroger)
HOUSTON (Fox 32 News) - How do you get your prescriptions filled when you're living at a hurricane shelter and you've lost almost everything you own?
The evacuees at Houston's George R. Brown Convention Center are getting help from a mobile pharmacy trailer provided by Kroger which has already filled 400 prescriptinos.
Evacuees do not have to be established Kroger customers. The pharmacy staff can fill prescriptions from any pharmacy.
There is also a medical team on-site at the convention center that can write new prescriptions.
The mobile pharmacy trailer is stocked with 200 medications. It is big enough that five pharmacists can work inside simultaneously.
You do not have to be staying at the Brown Convention Center to get a prescription filled at the mobile pharmacy. Any hurricane survivor can use it.