Kentucky driver seemingly tries to destroy snowman, surprised when they hit tree stump

A driver in Kentucky was in for a rude awakening when they seemingly tried to run over a snowman — only to hit the tree stump underneath. (Cody Lutz Media)
FOX NEWS - A driver in Kentucky was in for a rude awakening after they seemingly tried to run over a snowman — only to hit the tree stump underneath.
Cody Lutz built the snowman over the weekend with family in Petersburg. He told Fox affiliate WXIX-TV he, his fiancée, and soon-to-be sister-in-law were playing in the snow when they decided to construct the large "Frosty."
“We were playing in the snow, she’s from Mississippi so this is the most snow she’s ever seen in her entire life. I’m from Buffalo so this is no big deal,” Lutz said. “I love the snow!”
The trio used a tree stump as the base for Frosty, and covered the exposed bark with snow.