Jogger who shot, killed dog says he was attacked

A 911 call came in around 8 p.m. on Wednesday night.  A Deltona man told the operator,  " I got a situation where a dog just attacked me and I had to shoot him."

He says he was out on a run on Anchor Drive, when a dog came charging at him, so he pulled out his gun.

"He came up to me. I shot him when he got to me. I sat there, I sat there. I was in fear of my life and he came towards me."

That dog was Nancy Harmon's family pet, named Lucky.

"All he wanted to do was play with everyone. All he wants to do is lick and kiss everybody," she said.

She said her son had a special connection to Lucky as did their other pets.  Deputies determined the man who shot Lucky had a concealed weapons permit and felt his life was in danger. They closed the case.

Lucky is now buried in Harmon's back yard. The family still trying to wrap their heads around this one.

"She was a pet. She was one of us. We loved her and she loved all of us.We are all gonna miss her," Harmon said.