FPL proposes program to offer generators

Florida Power & Light has proposed a three-year pilot program in which it would offer to install and maintain backup power generators for customers.

The proposal, filed Thursday at the state Public Service Commission, would be voluntary for customers, who would pay monthly fees to FPL if they choose to participate. FPL would own the generators, and the monthly charges would vary depending on the customers.

“Currently, FPL customers have the option of contracting to install their own onsite backup generation, but there are significant upfront and continuing costs associated with doing so,” the filing said. “The current process of finding a backup generation solution is time-consuming and could require a customer to independently research solutions, solicit offers from installers, evaluate installers, and negotiate the terms of a final contract. After the customer purchases and installs the backup generation equipment, the customer as owner of the equipment is obligated to make arrangements for the monitoring, maintenance, and repair of that equipment.”

Power outages have been a major issue in the state during the past two years, after Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Michael caused massive damage to electric systems, homes and businesses.

Though the filing does not address such issues, installing backup generators at nursing homes and assisted-living facilities has been a major focus after the deaths of Broward County nursing-home residents following Hurricane Irma.


Information provided by The News Service of Florida.