FOX 26 News contributor Matt Patrick to discontinue cancer treatments
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - NewsRadio 740 KTRH released the following statement on its Facebook page and website on Wednesday morning:
Please send your well wishes to our own Matt Patrick of Houston's Morning News. On Houston's Morning News this morning, Matt revealed he has exhausted all options and has discontinued cancer treatments. Matt and all of us at NewsRadio 740 KTRH, and the iHeartMedia family, thank you all for your constant love and support during this difficult time.
"There will be no more fighting," said Patrick during a live broadcast on Wednesday. "There will be no more going back to the hospital. There will be, it will be up to God. Whatever God decides to do, that's what I will do."
Patrick has served for several years as one-half of the debating duo on FOX Faceoff with counterpart Quanell X. We certainly value his contributions to FOX 26 News and wish him only the best in his continued fight against esophageal cancer.