Florida man accused of assaulting, demanding random man sell him drugs in downtown Orlando

A man was arrested in downtown Orlando after he assaulted a man because he wouldn't sell him drugs in Orlando's Parramore neighborhood, police said. 

On June 1st, police said they were flagged down by Robert Lewis, 54, who alleged he was jumped by a group of males near 822 W Central Boulevard. Lewis pointed to another man claiming he was part of the group who assaulted him, arrest records show. 

When firefighters arrived on the scene, Lewis was "immediately uncooperative" and began shouting derogatory terms toward the crowd of people he claimed had beat him up, police said. 

Lewis was asked by the firefighters to stop using derogatory language, and he told them to "[expletive] off" before attempting to walk away. Police said Lewis also spat in the direction of a firefighter as he walked away. 

After a brief struggle, Lewis was arrested for assaulting the firefighter. 

The man Lewis claimed had assaulted him told police Lewis demanded to buy drugs from him while holding a stick, threatening to use it against him if he didn't sell him the drugs. When the man told Lewis he didn't sell drugs, Lewis picked up a brick and started chasing him, police said. 

Lewis reportedly fell and hit his head on the pavement as bystanders intervened to stop him from assaulting the man, records show. 

Video footage also showed Lewis picking up a stick and approaching the man before lunging towards him. Lewis is then seen on camera being escorted away by a group of males before tripping on a curb. 

Lewis is facing one count of assault on a firefighter and one count of resisting without violence. He was booked into the Orange County Jail.