City of Orlando discussing electric scooters at Monday's council meeting
ORLANDO, Fla. - Love them or hate them, electric scooters could be coming to Downtown Orlando.
The subject will be up for discussion at Monday's city council meeting.
Some worry about an increase in accidents, others worry about the scooters piling up and being left alongside busy roads or unsafe areas.
City officials say its ordinance addresses those concerns.
Local lawmakers say they plan to vote for the first time on a plan to reduce the speed limit to 10 miles per hour.

They also say a phone number will be on the scooters so people can directly contact the city to have them removed from unwanted or unsafe areas.
If the scooters are approved, they would only be around for one year, unless the program gets extended.
If the scooters don't work out during the one-year program, the city has the option of getting rid of them.
The scooters could arrive early next year.
In the meantime, Lime is removing 500 of its bikes to make way for the scooters.