11-year-old's letter to Santa to cure mom's illness goes viral

(Pristyazhnyuk Sergey Anatolievich)
(FoxNews.com) - When 11-year-old Bobbie-Mae Chalk thought about what she wanted for Christmas this year, her request was atypical— she asked Santa to cure her mother’s debilitating illness.
The Metro reported that her mom, 31-year-old Debby Chalk, has Crohn’s disease, a painful form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, mouth sores and reduced appetite, among other symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Bobbie-Mae, of Southampton, England, voiced her wishes to Santa in a letter that has started to go viral after Crohn’s and Colitis UK shared it on Facebook.
The letter reads:
“Dear Santa,
Please if you can make my mums (sic) life better and make her not feel ill all the time, I would really appreciate it.
Make her life more and more better, it hurts to watch her suffer, so please make it better.
If I had one wish in the whole world it would be to help.”
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