January Drying Out
Orlando, Fl - The latest long range computer models now showing weaker cold fronts moving through Central Florida in the coming weeks! The weakening fronts will have the ability to pick up moisture from the Gulf and bring above normal rainfall across Alabama and Georgia, but will dry out and weaken by the time they arrive here.

These weakening fronts will quickly dry out and produce some nice cool conditions for the northern half of Florida through January. The normal rainfall for Metro Orlando in January is only 2.35 inches, and I am expecting less than that. After a very wet December we will enjoy some drier conditions.

The temperature forecast for the next 4 weeks will bring slightly warmer than normal readings. Since we will be impacted by weakening fronts, we should only receive slight, short duration cool-downs.

The Polar Vortex will be trapped near the north pole and over Russia, which will lead to a weaker jetstream and fewer polar outbreaks for the U.S. and Florida.