Obama attends Bulls-Cavaliers game in Chicago
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - The nation's No. 1 basketball fan is sitting courtside as the Chicago Bulls open the NBA season against the Cleveland Cavaliers.
It’s no secret the President is a Chicago Bulls fan.
“I’m sure he's coming to see LeBron and Rose too," said fan Jim Dunne.
Complete with his usual grand entrance, most likely the most famous Bulls fan arrived Tuesday night in style.
“You rarely get a chance to see the President and he's a good guy, and it's good to get a glimpse of him and see a Bulls game, it's good to know he's going to be in there," said Ty Jackson.
Bulls and Obama fan Jackson said he couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the president.
FOX 32: Was it worth 30 minutes standing in the rain?
"It was not worth 30 minutes, it was not, I’m sorry Obama. It wasn't worth 30 minutes buddy," Jackson said.
His appearance obviously caused a little bit of a security nightmare for other fans, with the extra traffic on the streets and at the gates.
“You got a new coach, he's opening up the offense a little bit,” said President Obama. “Question will be can they hang on to the defense with the new offense.”
Some of the players including LeBron James say it's an honor to play in front of him.
“It's something that I can tell my kids...actually be able to have the film and to be able to show them that the President was at a ball game that I played in is pretty cool,” said James.
While King James may be sneaking a peek of the President, Bulls players are trying to stay focused.
“I have the upmost respect for the President, but that's not what it's about right now, just trying to do my job,” said Joakim Noah.
Obama was joined by his friend Marty Nesbitt for Tuesday's game at United Center in Chicago.