Woman's emotional thank you note to stepdad goes viral

Source: Katelyn Miller
SALINA, KS (FOX 11) - A young woman's letter touching thank you note to her stepdad has gone viral.
Katelyn Miller says her stepdad Lance came into her life about 11 years ago when she was 9-years-old and he started dating her mom, before marrying her mom a few years later.
In the thank you note she says Lance took care of her family and was there for everything in Katelyn's life; from basketball games and prom to her graduation. She says she wouldn't be the woman she is today without him.
Katelyn posted the sweet note to the Facebook page, Love What Matters, writing in part: "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the woman I have become. I know that without you, I would not be close to who I am today. You are truly an incredible human being, and when people ask me who my dad is, I'm proud to say your name."
Her note continues saying, "You are not my biological father, I do not carry your last name (yet) and I do not look like you in the slightest. Any man can make a child, and stick his name on the birth certificate. It takes a real man like you to step up and care for a child who is not his own. "
Katelyn decided to change her last name to reflect her stepdad's and shared a video from when she surprised him with the news.
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