Woman holds supply drive for Puerto Rico, Florida Keys

A Central Florida woman is on a quest to help two areas devastated by recent hurricanes: the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico.

It was days after Hurricane Irma passed, that Kira Marquith began receiving pictures of the devastation in the Keys. She says she was desperate to hear from family there.

"Going days without hearing from them, I needed something to do."

She started collecting donations at her husband's business, Live Well Chiropractic in St. Cloud. Before she knew it, she had 1,000 bottles of water, but by that time Hurricane Maria had hit Puerto Rico.

"The Keys is fortunate at this point to have drinkable water up and running, and so the goal of us collecting stuff was to get stuff to those who are in need, and Puerto Rico is obviously in more need of that water than we were," Marquith tells FOX 35.

The water she's since collected will also go to Puerto Rico. On Friday, she'll drive the rest of the supplies to the Keys herself, as school starts next week, and people are still trying clean up debris ridden streets.

"They're under curfew still, so I have a waiver that will allow me to drive through in the evening, so that way Saturday morning we can hand out everything we collected."

Residents of the the Keys are in desperate need of tools as they try to clean up the mess Irma left behind, while people in Puerto Rico are simply trying to survive Maria.

"It's all about helping whoever is in need. It would be kind of oxymoronic to take the water down to the Keys knowing that just a short distance away are people who are really in need of it."

Kira will be accepting supplies to take to the Keys until Friday at 3 p.m..