Woman dies after an ATV, driven by a 9-year-old, overturns

SAINT CLOUD, Fla. (FOX 35 WOFL) - One woman is dead after an ATV crash in Osceola County.
The incident occurred in an area off of Holopaw Groves Road near 8 Mile Ranch on Saturday night.
A report released by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) says that a 9-year-old was driving an ATV with two adult passengers, identified as 58-year-old Laura Bizzell and 53-year-old Samuel Christmas, at the time of the crash.
The ATV went to let another ATV pass when the left side of it traveled up a brim, causing the vehicle to overturn onto its left side. Bizzell fell off the ATV, which came to rest on top of her, killing her.