Valley couple starts toy drive for shelter pets
PHOENIX, Ariz. (KSAZ) - One Valley couple had an idea to start a toy drive for shelter pets, creating the Santa Paws Project.
"I was watching after Thanksgiving about five years ago a Toys for Tots commercial and I thought there's nothing for pets," said Rob Reichstein.
That's when Rob Reichstein had an idea, a toy drive for pets, the thousands of dogs and cats that call shelters home for the holidays.
"We collected about 400 toys that first year, following year we got on board with Aviano at Desert Ridge and Fire Side started taking collections, we ramped it up, we doubled collection," said Reichstein.
Last year, Rob and his wife Marcy collected over 3,000 pet toys during the Santa Paws Project.
"New dog and cat toys preferably, we will take food, bedding, they can always use," said Marcy Reichstein.
The toys, beds and food were distributed to three non-profits. Rob and Marcy are hopeful to give more this year.
"You're always looking for an idea something that is going to catch something that is different, I'm hoping he found it," said Marcy.
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