UCFPD reports attempted battery in campus garaage

Students, faculty and staff at the University of Central Florida are being warned of an attempted battery which they said happened on campus early Monday evening. 

UCF police officers said a student reported that she was approached by a man around 6 p.m., inside Garage C, asking for assistance with this vehicle. She said he then reached over to touch her leg, and when she screamed, he ran away. 

The man is described as 5 feet, 7 inches tall, dark-skinned, with a thin build.  He was wearing glasses, a gray sweater and dark pants.  The woman said he appeared to be college-aged and spoke with an accent.

UCFPD said the description and circumstances closely match two similar incidents which have happened in as many months.  Anyone with information is asked to call 407-823-5555, or 911, in an emergency.