UCF officers relive rescue caught on bodycam after driver rolled car on campus
ORLANDO, Fla. - Bodycam footage shows UCF police officers running up to a flipped-over SUV.
You can see a young woman trapped, standing behind the windshield.
"As I get there, I realize there’s an overturned light post and the light post is knocked over with electrical wires out," said Officer Isabella Sanchez.
There were live wires and officers say fluid was leaking from the car.
The officers decided they didn't have time to waste and started to break the glass with batons.
You can see another officer, Anthony Mancuso, put on thick gloves to start peeling back the glass.
They make enough space to get the woman out safely.
But in the process, Mancuso realizes he was cut by the glass.
"There was a large amount of blood on the floor, but I realized it wasn’t coming from the driver, it was coming from my partner," said Officer Allison Sienkiewicz.
Mancuso is still on medical leave with seven stitches but is doing fine.
The driver is okay, but officers say this is a reminder of how dangerous it can be to drive while tired.
They say the driver explained she had just finished a long shift at work and was yawning before she crashed.
"Being too tired can impair you’re driving the same as being under the influence," said Corporal Rhett Proctor.