'There's blood all over': 911 call of boy whose hand was severely wounded by firework

TITUSVILLE, Fla. - A frantic 911 call about a boy who was wounded by a firework has been released.
A 12-year-old boy in Titusville was injured Friday when a mortar firework went off in his hand. Neighbors said they heard a loud bang followed by screaming.
"His whole arm was like purple and his hand was like black," one neighbor said.
In the 911 call, the boy's grandmother sounds terrified as she calls for help.
GRANDMOTHER: A mortar blew up in my grandson's hand. His finger is severed. I need help.
911: How old is he?
911: Is he awake?
GRANDMOTHER: Yes he is. He's running around the house. There's blood all over the place.
The boy was taken to Arnold Palmer Hospital. His hand is still intact but is severely wounded.
This story was written in Orlando, Florida.