Residents and retailers in Central Florida getting ready for Tropical Storm Ian

With days to go before Tropical Storm Ian could hit Central Florida as a hurricane, people say they're stocking up on supplies. 

"Getting all the canned food, the water, gotta go get gas, batteries, still gotta get some fans and stuff," said law student Jason Berger.

Retail managers say the crowds started pouring in on Friday afternoon. 

"About 5 o'clock yesterday, once everyone saw the news, getting off work. Stopping in, grabbing their stuff," said Robbie Sopr, a hardware store manager in College Park.

Retailers say many of the staple items for riding out a major storm have been going fast.

RELATED: Sandbags in Central Florida: Where to get them as potential hurricane approaches

"All the tarps, batteries of course, and generators - now we're selling out of them. Our warehouse is sending us stuff, daily," said Cristina Herrera, a hardware store manager in Orlando.

Sopr says there are a few supplies that are smart to keep on-hand.

"Make sure you've got water, enough food on hand, battery-operated fans, if you can do it. Make sure your pets have food, supplies."

Shoppers say anyone looking to stock-up on supplies should get to the stores, soon. 

"The canned foods are going quick, water they still got," Berger said, "a lot of the canned food is already off the shelf."