Republicans keep commission seats, constitutional offices in Seminole County

LAKE MARY, Fla. - While Democrat Joe Biden enjoyed a surge of support in historically red Seminole County, Republicans managed to capture three commission seats and all five of its constitutional offices.
Incumbents Bob Dallari and Lee Constantine won re-election in Districts 1 and 3, respectively. Dallari secured a fifth term in defeating Katrina Shadix while Constantine will serve a third term in defeating Kim Buchheit. Newcomer Andria Herr, beat Pernell Bush and Libertarian Andre Klass to win the District 5 seat.
Incumbent Republican Sheriff Dennis Lemma captured 58% of the votes cast to defeat Democrat Paul Spike Hopkins.
The Tax Collector's race garnered more attention than usual when Joel Greenberg resigned in June after being indicted on charges of stalking and stealing identities. That left the seat open for the taking in a race between Republican real estate broker Jeff “J.R.” Kroll and former radio personality and Democrat Lynn “Moira” Dictor. Kroll won with over 54%.
Republican incumbent Chris Anderson received 54% of the votes for Supervisor or Elections defeating Deborah Poulalion.
Incumbent Property Appraiser Republican David Johnson defeated former Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett by over 60% and incumbent Republican Clerk of Courts Grant Maloy beat Democrat Kristina Renteria with over 53% of the vote to win a second term.