Police: Crooms Academy student arrested for school shooting threat
SANFORD, Fla. - A student at Crooms Academy of Information Technology was arrested for threatening to bring a gun to school and use it in a school shooting, police say.
Sanford Police are crediting the arrest to the quick thinking of two students. Officers said a school resource officer arrested the student Tuesday after two classmates came forward with concerns about the student. Police said the classmates saw the teen’s computer screen in class, read it and became concerned.
One of the student’s took a picture of the computer screen using their cellphone and reported what they saw to school administration. Officers said the students told the SRO they read a detailed plan about bringing a gun to school and using it in a school shooting. Police said the picture clearly captured the student’s writing.
The SRO immediately arrested the student responsible and he was transported to the Seminole County Juvenile Assessment Center. He is charged with making a written threat to kill, do bodily harm, or conduct a mass shooting.
“We wish to make it crystal clear that threats of any kind are no laughing matter and will not be tolerated,” Crooms Academy Principal Brandon Hanshaw said in an automated message sent to parents Tuesday. “Please be assured that school district discipline will be fully applied as outlined in our Student Code of Conduct to the student involved.”
Principal Hanshaw also assured parents that Crooms Academy was completely safe for learning.
Sanford Poice Chief Cecil Smith said Tuesday’s incident, “Was a reminder of how important it is for citizens of all ages to communicate and work with law enforcement. The sole reason we were aware of this potentially tragic and violent event, was due to the resourcefulness and responsibility of two students. Their actions exemplify what we ask every day of all of our citizens; if you see something, say something.”
Principal Hanshaw encouraged students and parents to continue reporting situations like this to school administrators and police. “Report to administration, teacher or staff member,” Principal Hanshaw detailed in the message sent home to parents.
Concerns can also be reported using the following apps and hotline:
• P3 Campus App: https://www.p3campus.com/index.htm
• FortifyFL App: https://getfortifyfl.com
• SpeakOut Hotline: 1-800-423-TIPS(8477) or www.speakouthotline.org