Orlando extending 'virtual brunching' campaign

Orlando is encouraging residents to join in on a virtual brunch Easter Sunday. It’s part of the City’s Brunching the Beautiful Way campaign to boost business for restaurants in the City Beautiful

The idea is, you pick-up food from a participating restaurant, go home and have a video brunch with friends and family, while posting about it on social media, using the #StayHomeORL. The campaign was launched last week and businesses saw a significant jump in orders.

“When we come out of this, we want our small businesses and right now, we’re talking about restaurants, to have been able to sustain themselves through this and not having gone out of business in that course of time,” said Mayor Buddy Dyer, City of Orlando.

The virtual brunch has been extended through the end of April. Restaurants are offering specialty menu items for the event.

Click here for a list of participating restaurants.