Move over 'yanny-laurel' debate, the 'brain storm-green needle' is here

Anyone who has gone on social media the past few days has probably seriously begun to question their friend’s hearing or maybe sanity.
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But the internet did not rest on its yannys (or laurels... depending...) when it comes to media which plays tricks on the mind.
Yes, the assault on the confidence of one’s senses is in full swing. For those who thought "the dress" debate or the "Yanny-Laurel" debates were the end, now there's the "brain storm-green needle" conundrum.
SEE ALSO: What do you hear: Yanny or Laurel?
A new video surfaced Wednesday showing a clear creature which lights up and speaks, but what does it say?
Is it saying "rainstorm," "green needle," "brain needle," or "green storm."
SEE ALSO: Yanny or Laurel? Linguist explains why people are hearing different words
The internet has started buzzing about this one and theories range from the scientific to... well, the matrix.
What do you think?