Markeith Loyd gets emotional in court while hearing testimony

"I told you I didn’t mean to kill your wife, bro!" Markeith Loyd spontaneously said that out loud in court while looking at Lt. Debra Clayton’s widower on Monday.

Moments later Loyd started crying.  

Big wet tears could be seen running down his cheeks as his defense team’s forensic expert testified about the bullet holes left in Lt. Clayton’s bulletproof vest and the gunshot wounds to her body. 

"You can see where the bullet enters her right buttock, goes through the vest, through her pants, through the vest and exits her right abdominal area," Chris Robinson said. 

At one point, a deputy looked to be checking on Loyd. He cried for nearly two minutes before the judge decided it was a good time to take a break. That's the first time Loyd has cried in court.  

Shortly after this outburst, the defense rested.   

The state called a series of rebuttal witnesses. Sade Dixon’s brother, Ronald Stewart, took the stand.  

A jury convicted Loyd of shooting Stewart the same day he shot and killed Dixon. 

Stewart told the jury after Loyd shot him the first time, then shot his sister, Loyd came back at him again as he laid on the ground.   

"He came towards me and pointed a gun at me. Seemed like he was pointing at my heart. He just continued to shoot upwards in my leg and other parts of my body," Stewart said.  

He told the jury that Loyd shot him five times. Loyd was on the run for that shooting where Stewart’s sister, Sade Dixon, was killed at the time investigators say he killed Lt. Clayton.

Prosecutors also called three mental health witnesses to the stand. All three testified they do not believe Loyd’s defense, saying that he was mentally insane at the time investigators say he killed Lt. Clayton. 

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