Happy Birthday Mandy: The story behind this cake will warm your heart

CALEDONIA, Mich. (FOX 26) - A woman in Michigan went to her local grocery store to pick up a birthday cake and left with a story that will warm your heart.
Lisa Ardrich wrote in a Facebook post that she asked a "bakery-looking-employee" to write a message on the cake for her.
After some time the employee came back with the cake. Aldrich thanked her and headed to the check out without looking at the message.
But then she took a look.
"After looking, I nervously laughed and headed to check out- it didn't really matter to me that it looked so bad- I thought people would think it was funny," wrote Aldrich.
But the cashiers were disappointed and even brought in the manager.
After some discussion, it all became clear.
"One cashier put her arm on my shoulder and said 'The girl who wrote that has Autism. Thank you for smiling and thanking her - even though she's not supposed to write on cakes, you probably made her day.'"
Aldrich's moral of the story? "Kindness is important!"