Florida man, mistress charged in wife's murder-for-hire plot

Photos via JSO
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Police say a 50-year-old Florida man and his 30-year-old mistress hired someone to kill his wife and make it look like a bungled burglary.
Jacksonville Sheriff's Lt. Craig Waldrup told news outlets that Jerry "Tommy" Burns and Amanda Love were arrested Friday on second-degree murder charges. The search continues for the person who killed 44-year-old Velvet Floyd Burns.
Burns told officers he left for work May 9 and a family friend found his wife's body later that day. Investigators discovered Burns and Love were having an affair.
Waldrup says the couple offered someone thousands in cash and a portion of Burns' life insurance policy as payment to kill her.
Attorneys for Burns and Love aren't listed on jail records.