Florida zoo elephants cool off with help from firefighters: PHOTOS
PREVIOUS: Tourists dealing with excessive Central Florida heat
Tourists visiting Central Florida attractions are dealing with excessive heat the Memorial Day.
MIAMI - Florida is in for yet another steamy summer – but us humans aren't the only ones feeling the heat. On Tuesday, Florida firefighters helped a zoo keep their elephants cool in the coolest way.
According to an Instagram post, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Engine 57 participated in Zoo Miami's annual elephant hose enrichment activity. The purpose of this activity is to help the elephants cool down and lower their body temperature.
The photos above show the elephants enjoying being sprayed by water hoses, and firefighters were clearly having a great time helping them cool down.
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In a social media post, the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue thanked Zoo Miami for the opportunity to "bring enrichment to the animals."
Zoo Miami, the largest zoo in Florida, is a zoological park and garden that has safari tours, summer camps for kids and different events.