Florida college students in recovery residences could get aid

The Biden administration has hired a student loans expert who believes the Education Secretary has the legal authority to forgive student debt under executive order. Here's what that means for your college debt. (iStock)

Sen. Tina Polsky, D-Boca Raton, on Monday filed a bill that aims to provide lower in-state tuition rates for out-of-state students living in recovery residences and attending state colleges, career centers, or technical schools. 

The measure (SB 396) was filed for consideration during the 2022 legislative session, which begins Jan. 11. 

The proposal would waive out-of-state fees for a maximum of 50 recipients a year. 

Only students who are employed in Florida and work at least 20 hours a week would be eligible. Students would have to submit proof of lease agreements with operators of the recovery residences or an "affidavit signed by a certified recovery residence administrator or clinical supervisor" to receive waivers under the measure. 

Eligibility for the waivers would last for one year under the proposal, and participants would have to maintain 2.5-grade point averages or higher to continue receiving waivers.