Eau Gallie High School campus closed, football game canceled due to COVID-19

LAKE MARY, Fla. - The campus of Eau Gallie High School, in Melbourne, will be closed between now and Oct. 25 due to reported COVID-19 cases, the Brevard County School District announced on Friday afternoon.
All activities are also canceled during that time, including tonight’s football game versus Palm Bay.
All students currently participating in on-campus, classroom instruction will be moved to eLearning, remotely from home. Families are being notified of the closure and should not have their child attend school in person next week. District and school staff are working with families who need devices for eLearning.
The closure affects all school programming. There will be no bus service from Monday, Oct. 19, through Friday, Oct. 23.
The district will be providing continuity of feeding for students during the closure. Daily meal packets consisting of one breakfast and one lunch per student can be picked up in the senior parking lot between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, Oct. 19 through Friday, Oct. 23.
Free Covid-19 testing will be provided through the Department of Health for any Eau Gallie student or staff member. Tests will be offered Monday-Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the school. No appointment is needed; a school ID will be required.