Downtown Orlando draws crowds as Orange County curfew is lifted
ORLANDO, Fla. - For the first Friday night without a curfew in Orange County, people showed up downtown taking full advantage of the situation.
"It’s fun. It’s fun. I’m with the boys. We chilling," said Chad Williams, of Orlando.
"We’ve been cooped up these two months. It’s nice to be out, be with friends," said Taylor Glina, of Orlando.
Walking around downtown, it becomes very clear which business are allowed to be open and which aren't. Establishments that don't serve food remain closed during phase one of the state's reopening, but open businesses are booming.
"It’s a good little environment. It’s good to see people out and stuff like that so I’m enjoying it. Going back to old times," said Williams.
"It’s nice to be out because we want to support Shakai. We want to support the businesses here," said Adrienne Santiago, of Orlando.
The curfew forced businesses to close at 11 p.m. the last two months. Now they can stay open until 2 a.m.