Disneyland raises cost of some tickets by 25%

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Disneyland Resort is raising prices ahead of the scheduled opening of a Star Wars-themed expansion, with the cheapest daily ticket costing more than $100.
Less than a year ago, prices were raised by up to 18 percent. The prices that took effect Sunday for tickets, annual passes and parking represent increases of up to 25 percent.
The Los Angeles Times reports price increases in recent years haven't thinned the throngs at Disneyland and nearby California Adventure Park.
A one-day, one-park ticket is now $104 for low-demand days, such as May weekdays. Tickets for regular- and peak-demand days are more.
More visitors are expected for this summer's opening of "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge."
Spokeswoman Liz Jaeger says the resort offers a variety of tickets while helping manage demand and spread visitation.
The least expensive one-day ticket to Disney World in Florida is $109.