Cocoa Beach seniors walk down the beach in caps and gowns to celebrate graduation
COCOA BEACH, Fla. - When graduation is postponed and your high school just happens to be less than two miles from the beach, a new kind of celebration is born.
Seniors from Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School wore their caps and gowns and walked down the beach.
Shoes were optional.
“We are Cocoa Beach, so the idea of having the seniors walk up and down the beach in their caps and gowns to kind of celebrate this milestone and accomplishment for them… Perfect thing to do,” said Principal Mark Rendell.
The students were supposed to graduate Friday, but because of the pandemic, the ceremony has been pushed back.

“It was actually really nice that they were willing to come up with this idea for us. I know a lot of kids may not be here in June when we do our actual graduation. It’s their way of coming together as a community and giving us all that opportunity,” said senior Kaitlyn Mason.
Parents organized the event.
Seniors were asked to walk down the beach one-by-one and social distance.
A more packed group of spectators looked on.
“I think it’s awesome. I’m so glad they’re doing it. It’s amazing,” said Nicholette Spitsbergen, a mom of one of the graduates.
“A lot of people knew my name that I didn’t think knew me so that was pretty cool. They were just screaming, saying 'good job' and everything. I’m like, 'thank you,'” said Thomas Gregory, a senior.
A first of its kind graduation celebration for this school and what’s happening in 2020 may become a tradition.
“More than likely some of the things we do today will be something future classes will want to do as well,” Rendell said.
“For the rest of my life, there’s no way I would forget it,” Gregory said.
The seniors also had a dinner and parade Friday night.
An official graduation ceremony is scheduled in June.