2 rescued alligators, David and Casanova, find permanent home at Gatorland

ORLANDO, Fla. - The "Alligator Capital of the World" is welcoming two new celebrity gators to call its park home.
David and Casanova will call Gatorland their forever home. The pair are now together at the gator sanctuary in Orlando.
David was discovered floating in the cold waters of Waukegan Harbor, near Chicago, with his mouth taped shut in 2018. Rescuers say he was very weak and ingested plastic and rubber. David wasn't expected to survive, but he did after recovering at the Wildlife Discovery Center at Elawa Farm in nearby Lake Forest.
The curator of the facility finally decided it was time to move David to live at Gatorland with another rescued alligator, Casanova.
Casanova was also rescued after living for 20 years in a 40-gallon tank with no light or heat, and he was only fed one goldfish a month, according to officials.
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