"I want to play football": Injured McKenzie Milton still aspires to play college football

McKenzie Milton is not giving up.

It's been one year since the University of Central Florida former quarterback received a career-ending knee injury.

Milton was injured during the first half of the Knights' 38-10 victory vs. the Bulls last year.

Milton posted on Instagram about his journey and how far he's come.

He wrote, "One year ago today...I must say it’s felt long but yet gone by so fast since I hurt my knee. It’s hard to put into words the kind of emotions I’m feeling today but if I had to put it into one word I’m GRATEFUL. I’m grateful to God for seeing me through several surgeries and setbacks. I’m grateful to my medical team of doctors and athletic trainers for giving me the best care possible. I’m grateful to all my boys for having my back and believing in me. I’m grateful to all of you for the love and support. I put the pic of AK and I first cause I know WHO it all starts and ends with."

FOX 35 News asked Milton if he feels optimistic about playing football again in the future.

"Yeah, absolutely. I mean, my nerve feels great and I have full feeling in my foot, so I'm building up strength right now. So, I'm very grateful," Milton said.

Milton will start grad school soon at UCF. He's currently a senior. 

For now, he's coaching the Knights' new quarterback, freshman Dillon Gabriel.

But, Milton says his goal has not changed.

"You know, I wanna get to the NFL one day. I want to play football," he said.