'You did a really great job': Florida boy honored for calling 911 to help with grandma

An 11-year-old from Casselberry who called 911 to help his grandmother with a medical emergency was honored along with the dispatcher who took the call.

Elijah Alba had just gotten out of school and walked inside his grandmother’s house when he discovered she was having trouble breathing. So, he picked up the phone and called 91

Dispatcher: "Does she have difficulty talking between breaths?"

Elijah: "Yeah she’s just breathing right now. She’s sitting on the ground right now. She’s breathing right now."

Dispatcher: "Stay on the line I’m going to tell you exactly what to do.

Alba followed the dispatcher’s instructions by telling his grandmother to use her inhaler. He then locked up the dog and opened the door for the paramedics.

Dispatcher: "You did a really great job, OK."

Alba was recognized at Station 25 in Casselberry for his quick thinking with an honorary "firefighter for the day" badge and certificate.

"I was trying to help her and I saw her on the ground so I had to call 911 operator," Alba said. "So I was a little scared and nervous."

His grandmother, who has COPD and Emphysema, is doing much better now.

"I’m here because of him," grandma Denise Diomede said.

"If I was alone things might be different."

She also has the 911 dispatcher to thank for helping her grandson in those moments

."He did a wonderful job," 911 dispatcher Jehn Moriarty said. "He stayed calm. He was very helpful and you could tell he was raised amazingly."

"I want to say thank and thank you all for helping me," Alba told the dispatcher and paramedics.

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