Texas billionaire Michael Dell pledges $36 million to Harvey Relief Fund

(FOX TV STATIONS) - Houston native Michael Dell and his wife have committed up to $36 million to a new fund to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
The Dells and Governor Abbott announced the launch of the Rebuild Texas Fund on Friday. The goal is to raise $100 million for short term needs along with the long term recovery and rebuilding of communities in Texas.
The Dells are giving $18 million upfront and will match $1 for every $2 people donate through Monday, September 4 up to an additional $18 million.
Through their foundation, the Dells said: "This fund is about Texas. It’s about people helping people. It’s about companies helping their communities. We are energized by the opportunity to work together with partners and people across the state to help our coastal neighbors and accelerate the rebuilding of their communities."
They say it will take everyone working together to surpass the $100 million goal. They ask people to text 91999 with the words “RebuildTX” to donate. People can also visit www.rebuildtx.org to learn more about the Rebuild Texas Fund.
Other companies such as Verizon and Walmart are also involved in the Rebuild Texas Fund. The fund says that 100 percent of donations with go to relief, recovery and rebuilding efforts. Administrative costs will be covered by the OneStar Foundation and by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. They say that PaYPal has even agreed to waive processing fees for donations to the fund.