Stranded shrimp boat on Ormond Beach now moving on its own

New details have emerged about a shrimp boat that ran aground in Ormond Beach.

Before the sun came up on Thursday, the ship was on the move. The stranded shrimp boat is moving and not just in the direction crews were hoping for. The ship literally started heading south and then took a turn back towards the shore. 

Jeff Frick says that he has been watching the ship off Ormond Beach for days. He says that the ship "moved pretty fast" and that "it did not look intentional."

The shrimp boat is the beach's newest attraction, drawing crowds of people wondering how it will get back to see. 

Now that the ship has moved, the U.S. Coast Guard is sending investigators back to the boat to check it out again. They have been working with the owner on a plan to get it off the beach.