Seminole High student arrested for allegedly bringing gun to summer school
SANFORD, Fla. - A 16-year-old Seminole High School student is facing criminal charges after he allegedly brought a gun to summer school on Wednesday, according to the school district.
The situation unfolded after administrators were tipped off that a student had brought a weapon to campus, according to a letter to Seminole High families sent on behalf of Principal Michael Pfeiffer. Seminole County Public Schools shared a copy of the letter with FOX 35.
Law enforcement were able to locate the student in the school's courtyard and searched his "sling bag," where a gun was found, school officials said. The gun was a Ruger SR22 pistol, according to an arrest affidavit from the Sanford Police Department. Police added that the gun was not in a holster and had about nine rounds of ammunition.
The student, whose identity FOX 35 is choosing not to disclose due to his age, didn't make a threat to the campus or anyone on it, but having any type of weapon is strictly prohibited, the message said.
"Proper disciplinary actions have been taken at this time, and the student has been taken into custody by law enforcement," the message continued.

The teen is charged with carrying a concealed firearm at school and carrying a concealed weapon, the affidavit said. In addition to the criminal charges, he could be dismissed from summer school, according to Seminole High's policy about students with discipline problems during summer classes.
This incident happened the day before summer school at Seminole High is scheduled to end.
Seminole High will now have an added law enforcement presence, including a K-9 that's trained to detect weapons.
"The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority and we are thankful for the individuals who reported this tip," Pfeiffer said in the statement. "It takes all of us working together to keep our campus a safe and vibrant community of learning."