Second Lady Karen Pence to visit Florida Hospital

(Photo by Kim Min-Hee - Pool/Getty Images)

Florida Hospital says that Second Lady Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence,  will visit the Florida Hospital Cancer Institute in Orlando on Wednesday, February 21st, to meet patients and staff involved in an innovate art-therapy program.

Mrs. Pence has championed art therapy as her signature initiative, the hospital says. She calls it "Art Therapy: Healing with the HeART."

The hospital says that she is also a watercolor artist and former elementary-school teacher, who is passionate about art-therapy profession and ensuring tha tit is understood as a mental-health profession. She encourages those that have been through trauma, or those who are in therapy but do not find it to be working, to try art therapy. She also encourages that more young people join the art-therapy field.