People evacuated as brush fire burned near apartment complex

Fire crews worked fast Sunday to knock down a blaze that broke out in the woods right next to an Orlando apartment complex. 

Cellphone video shows flames shooting out of the brush and smoke filling the air. 

Beatris Velez says she had just started cooking dinner when a neighbor pounded on the door. 

“She said, ‘Look there’s a fire back there!’ It was a little small. It wasn’t that big and I looked, I said, ‘Oh my gosh,’” Velez said. 

But she says because of the wind, the fire grew fast. 

“I’m not used to this so it was really scary for me,” she said. 

Orange County Fire Rescue says around 40 people at the apartment complex off East Colonial Driver were evacuated as a precaution. 

But crews worked fast to put the one-acre fire out. 

No one was injured, and there was no damage. 

Orange County Fire and Rescue tweeted out Sunday, “Today's dry, windy conditions are ripe for #wildfires. DO NOT burn yard waste/trash or carelessly discard cigarettes. Clear yards, roofs & gutters of dry vegetation & debris, keeping 30 ft of "defensible space" around your home.” 

Officials have not said what caused the fire.