Parents in Volusia County can now track their child's school bus with an app

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. - If you've ever anxiously waited for your child's school bus wondering where it was at, there's now an app that will tell you!
The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that parents in Volusia County can use the WheresTheBus app to check the location of their children's school bus in real time.
The Volusia County school district reportedly bought the app for $30,000.
“It gives the parents peace of mind,” chief operating officer for the district Greg Akin told the News-Journal.
Officials hope that the app will not only bring some relief to parents, but also the transportation department’s call center, which is where parents had to call to get information if a school bus was running late.
Assistant Director for Student Transportation Betsy Burris told the News-Journal that the app has received “a lot of positive feedback" while going through its test period.
The app updates every 15 seconds and parents of multiple children can track multiple school buses.
To get started, parents just have to create an online account. Your child must be coded as a bus rider and you will need their date of birth and alpha ID code to set up your account.
School buses can be tracked on your cellphone, tablet or computer once registration is complete. The app is available for Android and Apple devices, the News-Journal reports.
To learn more about the app, click HERE.