Owl found in Rockefeller Christmas tree could be released soon

Rockefeller, the tiny Saw-whet owl that was found inside the branches of the Rockefeller Christmas tree in New York City, could take flight soon. 

The little owl has been recovering at the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center after it was found dehydrated and hungry inside the tree. Officials say the owl had not had anything to eat or drink in 3 days.

In an update, the center says Rockefeller is doing very well and feeling much better.

RELATED: Adorable owl rescued from Rockefeller Christmas tree

"His x-rays came back all clear. We will keep him here with us for a few more days while we monitor his health and get him back up to a proper weight," the center wrote on Facebook.  

The wildlife center is currently taking donations for Rockefeller's care as well as for the other injured and orphaned animals they help. The center is also looking to move into a permanent home so they can help even more wildlife.

You can donate to the GoFundMe page HERE.

This story was written out of Orlando, FL.

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