Newborn piglet melts hearts with adorable photo shoot

(Cashlie Joy Photography)
NEWCASTLE, Okla. - With all the sad news going around, we could all use this cutie-pie piglet in our lives right now.
Oklahoma-based photographer Cashlie White recently photographed a sweet little newborn piglet named Dynamite.

(Cashlie Joy Photography)

(Cashlie Joy Photography)

(Cashlie Joy Photography)
"She is the runt of her litter and is a show pig from Hamilton Farms in Washington, OK," White wrote on Facebook.
After the little piglet was given a bath, White - who typically photographs families - says she used all her newborn swaddling tricks on Dynamite just like she would on a human baby to snap the perfect photos.

(Cashlie Joy Photography)

(Cashlie Joy Photography)

(Cashlie Joy Photography)
"And she went to sleep in my arms! We kept her warm and the room quiet and she was OUT and in Hog Heaven! After the shoot she woke up and was on the run back to momma!"
White posted the adorable photos on Facebook where they have been shared thousands of times.
You can learn more about Cashlie Joy Photography HERE.
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