Navy squadron rescues adults, children, dogs at Texas school

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Sailors from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28 rescued 14 people and four dogs from Pine Forrest Elementary School, in Vidor, Texas, a shelter that required evacuation after flood waters from Hurricane Harvey reached its grounds, NNS reports.

Seven adults, seven children and four dogs were escorted to an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter and flown to safety in nearby Beaumont.

"You never want anything bad to happen to anyone. But, if something does you want to be the first person to get there," said Naval Aircrewman 2nd Class Rion Johnson. "So getting the call today and seeing the emotions coming from the survivors it was sad - knowing something terrible happened - but it is also great knowing that they're safe now."

"It was a very surreal experience. Landing on the field of an elementary school in a relatively tight landing zone, rescuing people of all ages and even animals wasn't necessarily what I pictured for my first rescue," said Naval Aircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Jansen Schamp. "It was very humbling and rewarding in every way. The people we evacuated had lost their homes, they were scared, and they were sad. But most of all they were so grateful for the help they received. This will forever be one of my most memorable experiences."