MSU fires Mel Tucker with cause after suspension over sexual harassment complaint

Michigan State University has officially fired Mel Tucker, days after it notified the Spartan football head coach of its intention to terminate his contract.

Tucker had already been suspended by the university following reports he violated his contract with the school. He was fired with cause, which means Tucker will not receive any outstanding money remaining from his $95 million contract.

A complaint was filed against Tucker after he used sexual comments and allegedly masturbated on a phone call with a vendor of the university.

It's not the end of the Tucker saga as the original complaint filed against him must still go through a hearing scheduled in October. It's during that meeting between both parties representing Tucker and Brenda Tracy that a mediator would determine if wrongdoing had occurred.

In a statement from the school, the athletic director said Tucker "brought public disrespect, contempt and ridicule upon the university; and constitute a material breach of his agreement, and moral turpitude."

"Simply put, Mr. Tucker’s response does not provide any information that refutes or undermines the multiple grounds for termination for cause set forth in the notice," Athletic Director Alan Haller said. "Instead, his 25-page response, which includes a 12-page letter from his attorney and a 13-page ‘expert report,’ provides a litany of excuses for his inappropriate behavior while expressly admitting to the problematic conduct outlined in the notice."

MORE: Tucker says ‘other motives’ in MSU's suspension

The original complaint was filed in December and the Office for Civil Rights began a months-long investigation into the allegations. A final report was submitted in July and a hearing to determine if any wrongdoing occurred was meant to happen soon after.

According to USA Today, which published the first story about the Tracy's complaint, Tucker had delayed the hearing for months. It was finally scheduled to take place during MSU's by week. 

MORE: Here's why Tracy says she went public with her story

In MSU's letter notifying Tucker he was fired, it said his response to the notice of his termination didn't provide any information that refuted the reasons behind the decision.

"Instead, the 25-page response, which includes a 12-page letter from your attorney and a 13-page ‘expert report,’ provides a litany of excuses for your inappropriate behavior while expressly admitting to the problematic conduct outlined in the notice."
