Man arrested after stabbings that left 1 dead

A Polk County man wanted for murder was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol in Osceola County, not far from Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center.  The hunt for Pedro Vega, Jr. finally ended on State Road 429.

The white pickup truck that they say he stole from his father stopped on the side of the road. Troopers found the truck on the median, with an injured Pedro Vega, Jr. bleeding inside.

Vega was wanted in Polk County, where deputies say he stabbed his aunt to death and tied up his own father, Pedro Vega Sr., and stabbed him at least 23 times.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd is happy they got him.

“He's a bad man and he needs to be put in prison,” Judd said, “if he survives his injuries.”

Deputies say Vega, Jr. got those injuries when he tried to break into another house on the street after allegedly attacking his father and aunt. They say a resident there shot Vega, forcing him to flee in his father's truck.

Judd hopes Vega survives so he can face justice. “My message to Vega, Jr. is you're lucky if you don't survive. If you survive, we're going to put you in prison for the rest of your life.”

Despite being stabbed, Pedro Vega, Sr. is in the hospital in stable condition, and expected to survive his injuries.