Man accused of carjacking FedEx truck

Deputies with the Osceola County Sheriff's Office have arrested a man accused of taking a FedEx truck during an alleged carjacking incident.

Jonathan Torres, 24, is suspected of taking the truck from a FedEx employee who was making deliveries on Sandalwood Dr. in Kissimmee.  The driver said the suspect, later identified as Torres, approached him and ordered him out of his truck, multiple times.  The driver stated that he believed Torres to be acting irrationally and felt in fear for his safety, so he complied.

Witnesses reported Torres running into a home located at 211 Sandalwood Dr. where deputies responded before noon on Tuesday.

"Deputies attempted to contact the suspect, believing that he was in the house, and after no response treated the incident as a barricaded subject," said Sheriff Russ Gibson.

After approximately three hours, deputies entered the home with a search warrant and discovered Torres wasn't there.